Uniforme metrische bibliotheek - Lack of a supplier code of conduct


Did the company have supplier code of conduct (against unsafe working conditions, precarious work, child labour and forced labour), during the period?


The supplier code of conduct refers to a set of standards and guidelines that spell out both ethical and business practices that suppliers need to follow if they wish to conduct business with a company. It adresses issues like unsafe working conditions, precarious work, child labour and forced labour in supply chain.


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The indicator seeks to evaluate the organization's commitment to ethical practices within it's investment portfolio, ensuring that investee companies uphold responsible and humane standards in their supply chains. Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) provides online self-assesment questionnaires for supply chain evaluation https://www.responsiblebusiness.org/tools/saq-faqs/

Regulatory definition

According to the (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022, it is defined as "Share of investments in investee companies without any supplier code of conduct (against unsafe working conditions, precarious work, child labour and forced labour)"



In the absence of a supplier code of conduct, an investee company's suppliers might employ child labour and/or forced labour in violation of international laws and ethical standards.