Libreria di metriche unificate - Lack of grievance/complaints handling mechanism related to employee matters

Domanda di aiuto

Did the company have enabled processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workers to raise concerns with an established grievance/complaints handling mechanism, during the period?


The indicator evaluates whether there are channels for employees to voice their concerns through a structured grievance or complaint-handling mechanism.


Booleano: Sì o No


Grievance handling is a key element in ensuring sound collective labour relations in the workplace. Grievance procedures can be put into practice via national laws and regulations, collective agreements or company rules developed with or without consultation of workers’ representatives. The extent to which employers and workers have the scope to develop and agree on procedures for themselves varies between countries.

Regulatory Definition

According to the (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022, the metric is defined as "Share of investments in investee companies without any grievance/complaints handling mechanism related to employee matters".



Complaints about unsatisfactory working conditions, concerns or disputes relating to payment or benefits.