Libreria di metriche unificate - Land artificialisation

Domanda di aiuto

What is the share of non-vegetated surface area, encompassing ground, roofs, terraces and walls, compared to the total surface area of the plots of all company assets, during the period?


Non-vegetated surface area referes to spaces lacking vegetation. The environmental impact of artificialisation is a process involving the irreversible transformation of the land due to massive urbanization.




The indicator seeks to assess the organization’s awareness of the environmental impact resulting from artificialisation of land. Land artificialisation refers to the transformation of agricultural, natural or forestry land into impermeable surfaces due to urbanization and infrastructure expansion. You can check the EU-established Copernicus Land Monitoring Service that provides geographical information on landcover, land use, land cover-use changes overthe years, vegetation state or water cycle

Regulatory definition

According to the (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022, it is defined as "Share of non-vegetated EN 18 EN surface area (surfaces that have not been vegetated in ground, as well as on roofs, terraces and walls) compared to the total surface area of the plots of all assets."


There is no clear-cut and univeral computation formula. INRAE reports that "a conseunsus is needed on how to measure artificialisation" See here However, a simple formulation could be put forward: Total non-vegetated surface area / total surface area of assets x 100



Investments with a particular focus on real estate portfolio should evaluate the environmental impact of construction sites, landfills, parking lots, infrastructure expansion like roads.